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Monday, July 7, 2008

Hacking ATM`s

There are 3 major types of Automatic teller machines.
The first of these (and the most popular) is the IBM model. This is easily
distinguised from the others by the IBM logo in the top right hand corner of
the front of the machine.
This unit features a touch sensitive keypad and a 1 line display with a visor
that moves up and down. (The newer models have a 5 line display)..
The second unit is the NCR unit, which is MUCH smaller than than the IBM front
panel. This unit has a small VDU as well as a touch sensitive keypad. The only
banks that seem to be using this unit in Australia is the 'STATE BANK' of
Victoria, so you will not see many of them around.
The third and final unit is made by Philips as is only used by the credit
unions or Building Societys. This is usually known as 'CASHCARD'. These units
feature a push-button keyboard and a VDU (like the NCR).
All these above units provide the same functions...

1.1 Information on the Plastic Cards
The Plastic Cards that you put into these cash carrying monsters have a Number
that is printed on the front of the card (which is also the same number, that
is stored on the MAGNETIC STRIP on the back of the card.)
What do these numbers mean?????
Well here is some information on them...
The Numbers are split up into 2 groups, the first group ALWAYS contains
SIX numbers while the second group contains anywhere between 6 to 13
EG) 560192 3012565214782
\ /\ /
| |__ This 3 digit number identifies the Bank.
|__ This is the Australian ID code and ALL banks have this.
Some ID's for banks
192 - Westpac Banking Corporation
251 - National Australia Bank
220 - Commenwealth Bank
Search the Internet or See your ATM no. To find out the Banks ID no.

The Second part of the number seems to be a jumble of digits for 6 to 13, which
only seem to make sense to the banks computer.
The banks computer simply looks the second number up in a Table and finds out
your assigned PIN number (A password for your card consisting of 4 digits),
and any other information. eg) Your savings account no. Cheque a/c etc.
Since the four Digit PIN (Personal Identification Numbers) range from 0000 to
9999, then more than one person has the same PIN number for his card. (Banks do
have more that 10,000 customers !!)
Okay now that we have some simple background information we can learn how to
'defeat' the system..
For this method you will require the Follwing:
(1) - Guts
(2) - Good Pair of SIDCHROME cutters
(3) - Fake ID (library cards, Concession Cards etc.)
Okay the First Step is to open up a bank savings account at one of the banks
that gives you access to the ATM..
The Major banks have the following Packages:
Westpac - Advantage Saver
National - Flexi Card
C'wealth - Key Card
I suggest you go for National Bank as their limit is $500 per day, where
Westpac has a $200 Max Limit per day.., Almost all Indian Banks have Rs 15000 Max Limit
Give them an address where you can check the mail everyday (so you can receive
your card and PIN number)...An old house etc. will do very well.
Make sure you open the account at a 'small' suburb branch, that has computer
equipment installed.
Once you have finally received your brand new savings account with fake name
and addreYour account record is kept at your branches computer. So what the main
computer does is get in touch with the branches (on the network) and ask it
information on your account. (Balance etc.).
Ok so what do we do with the cutters??? Well go to your banks branch (at about
10.00 - 11.00 pm), Find the Concrete Telecom cover near the bank and lift it
off using the handle of the Cutters.
Ok, See if there are cables leading from the main tube into a smaller tube that
leads underground into the bank...Well take your cutters and snip them..Ok well
congratulations you have just cut the phone cables for all their phones and
their branch computer system..
If you wanna be a bit more sure that you cut the cable to the computer, Snip
every cable in sight of the bank. (Use insulated cutters and don't be afraid of
the sparks and mini fire works.)
Ok the banks compuer should be disabled now, so go to the nearest ATM you can
find and pop your card in and try to do a ' ACCOUNT BALANCE '. You should get a
NOT AVAILABLE - try again Later ERROR..If you do then start jumping up and
down cause you have done it!!
You see the main computer is programmed to give you whatever money you ask for
when the lines are down, so they will not inconvenience the customers. So punch
in the max. LIMIT any time before 12 midnight and then take out another batch
after 12.00 midnight (or whatever other time you can)..
When they Fix the Lines, the main computer will update the balance in the
branches computer... (he he). Your account will have a Debit Balance and the
bank manager will come after you..But he won't find you will he!!
The major banks that to use this new system are: Citibank and ICICI.
I have tried it with both banks and it works great. Although I prefer SBI since you can make PPL There are dumb and you can Make Rs 15000 in a few minutes.

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